● ~el's home ●

I'm Elmak, welcome to my humble site.
I'm 29 years old programmer, with interest in about any aspect of computer science.

My experience goes from high level languages (Java, C#, Python and some more) - Applications, Games, Machine learning & web (front/back ends), through C/C++ programming for Hard & Soft RT, Reverse Engineering and down to simple electronic circuits.

You are most welcome to view the Projects section of the site.

In case you are looking for my CV - the closest thing is the Bio page of the site.

Here, beneath this super-ugly design, you'll find some tricks & secrets, determined by how deep you'll go down the rabbit hole.
Hope you'll enjoy.

Oh right... Just for you to know - this strange thingy on the left is the menu. (You know what they say about GUI needed to be explained...)

Feel free to contact me if you find something interesting:
